Our vision is for every woman overcoming trauma to have a home that supports her recovery.

Since completing its first home redesign back in 2016, Homes and Havens has helped 136+ women and children affected by trauma find peace through beautiful furniture and home goods using therapeutic “trauma-informed” design. But the work that takes place behind the scenes bears more complexity than one might think.

Instead of relying on the latest trends to inform the design process, the Homes & Havens’ team looks to research that analyzes how environmental factors like color and clutter affect emotional well-being. Though the studies are often conducted with hospitals and rehabilitation centers in mind, our team uses the data to create personalized interior designs that are free of stress-triggers and able to promote healing by inducing tranquility.

Homes & Havens partners with local women's recovery agencies in order to bring that same kind of healing space to recent graduates of their programs. The goal is to complete the transformation while the women are transitioning back into everyday life, when the danger of relapse is often at its highest.

After graduating a rehabilitation program, women may find a job and get a key to an apartment, only to be triggered when they walk into the empty space with no resources — emotionally or financially — to create a home for themselves or their families.

For example, for victims of sex trafficking a barren apartment can often be reminiscent of a pimp's living quarters, which are typically unfurnished, with clothes kept in garbage bags, to allow for easy relocation from one dwelling to another. For those recovering from drug or alcohol abuse, the desolate living conditions may intensify temptation, as coming home to yet another reminder of their struggle to reintegrate into society slowly lessens the appeal of staying sober.

Instead of giving these incredible women a harsh reminder of what their lives once were, the healing spaces that Homes and Havens creates gives them a place to envision what their lives could be. With fully furnished bedrooms set up, some might be able to envision what life might be like if they regained custody of their children. With living areas that exude a feeling of warmth and safety, others may be able to visualize themselves building a life free from domestic abuse.

We're just trying to protect their recovery by rewriting the story of what 'home' means. We believe home is not a place to be abused. Home is a place to recover and heal and dream and keep growing.


Our Values

  1. Recovery is a beautiful gift.

  2. All women are seen, loved, and valued.

  3. We believe beauty can be resurrected in any home.

  4. All designs are appropriate and trauma-informed.

  5. Every home helps our client rebuild, heal, find joy.

  6. We care deeply, so we take care to rest and recover.

  7. We embrace creative messes and organize often.

  8. Partnership fuels impact.


Board Members

Tammy Barber (Board Chair)

Rodger Piersant

Are you a Christian ministry?

When we are asked this question, we always want to know the “why” behind the curiosity. To be honest, this question surprised us for a while because we intentionally try to avoid labels in order to create a deep sense of welcome, both for our clients and supporters. But after some deep conversations with our staff, board, and founder, we have a response for the two groups of people who might ask this question:

For people concerned that we are pushing a “religious” agenda: 

We know (more than most) that people have been hurt or abused by religion. Even some of our clients have faced this heartbreak. It is our deepest desire to provide a welcoming, inclusive, non-judgmental environment within our office, volunteer experiences, and every interaction with our clients. We respect everyone’s religious preference or lack thereof and are most concerned about loving people well. We communicate to our clients (and volunteers) that they are loved, seen, and valued — this is our greatest mission. 

For people who are curious about the “why” behind the mission:

Our founder, Kaysie Strickland, is a believer in Jesus Christ and Homes & Havens is the result of her personal journey of faith and redemption through some very traumatic circumstances. Her work at Homes & Havens comes from a place of faith and love for the gospel — a message about Love overcoming darkness and welcoming children back home.

If you would like to read more about her personal journey, you can do so here.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35